International Humanitarian Law (IHL), otherwise known as the law of war or the law of armed conflict, is a set of rules that seek to limit the effects of armed conflict. Child Protection Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of armed conflict. Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre It allows only attacks on groups of people and objects that constitute the armed forces of a party to the conflict. the principle merely examines the extent to which he/she 'in the circumstances ' made ' reasonable use of the information available'. 4 0 obj Interplay between military necessity and considerations of humanity in the process of norm-creation in international humanitarian law 3 . International humanitarian law (IHL), also referred to as the laws of armed conflict, is the law that regulates the conduct of war (jus in bello). But they also refer to additional principles going far beyond the usual humanitarian principles listed by IHL and by the red cross and red crescent Movement. Moreover, some argue that it includes war-sustaining capabilities which allow for economic targets to also be legitimate military objectives.17Ibid Others narrow the definition down to only including war-making functions which bring about a direct military advantage.18Ibid, Targeting of dual-use objectives, or objectives that can be used for both military and civilian application, demonstrates the vagueness of the definition of military objectives.19Laurent Gisel, The Principle Of Proportionality In The Rules Governing The Conduct Of Hostilities Under International Humanitarian Law < download file 4358_002_ > Under the definition of military objectives, a dual-use object can be a legitimate military target if it makes an effective contribution to military action and its destruction offers a definite military advantage.20Ibid 9 The lawfulness of some targets is debated. Numerous States have expressed the view that military commanders and others responsible for planning, deciding upon or executing attacks necessarily have to reach decisions on the basis of their assessment of the information from all sources which is available to them at the relevant time. Convention [No. when planned attacks on military objectives may harm them, unless the tactical situation does not permit it. International Humanitarian Law or IHL is known as the laws relating to war or the law of armed conflict, is a legal framework which is fully applicable to certain situations which are related to armed conflict and also occupation . For instance, the attacker needs to take the presence of civilians prior to any attack into accountand make adjustments to its strategy as necessary and feasible. However, it is important to realise that determining whether the loss is proportionate to the resulting military advantage is not so straightforward due to its subjective interpretation. Almost all states involved in armed conflicts recognize that it is prohibited to launch an attack that is expected to cause incidental harm to civilians that exceeds the direct military advantage anticipated from the attack. The effectiveness of the warning is crucial for the legality of military operations. The deliberate violation of the obligation to take all feasible precautions against the effects of attacks is often related to the use of human shields. 1803, 1 Bevans 247, Rupert Ticehurst, The Martens Clause and the Laws of Armed Conflict <, Robin Coupland, Humanity: What is it and how does it influence international law? the precautionary principle requires taking feasible measures to ensure that civilians or civilian objects are not being attacked. The international humanitarian law rule of precautions in attacks holds that in the conduct of hostilities during an armed conflict parties to the conflict must seek to avoid, or at least minimize, civilian harm. This section will demonstrate that necessity is relevant to IHL in two important respects: first, as the principle of military necessity, which is balanced against humanitarian considerations in each rule of IHL; and, second, as the basic raison d'tre for the entire corpus of IHL. Numerous military manuals restate the duty of parties to the conflict to take all feasible precautions to protect the civilian population and civilian objects under their control against the effects of attacks. Conduct of Hostilities - the Principles of Precaution and Proportionality. Abstract. It is a legal framework that applies to the situations of armed conflict and occupation. In other words, the objective nature of the principle of humanity is questionable since the public conscience of armed parties might dictate and posit its humanity differently. % The principle of precaution requires that civilians be given advance warning (by loudspeaker, over the radio, using easily understood signals, by dropping leaflets, etc.) They shall in all circumstances be protected and treated humanely without any adverse distinction. Rupert Ticehurst has argued that this principle is ambiguous, and so is denied a place in legal dialogue as a powerful influence on international law.8Robin Coupland, Humanity: What is it and how does it influence international law? As a general rule, the principle of distinction permits direct attacks only against the armed forces of the parties to the conflict, while the peaceful civilian population must be spared and protected against the effects of the hostilities. The requirement to take precautions in attack was included in the draft of Additional Protocol II but was dropped at the last moment as part of a package aimed at the adoption of a simplified text. Location of military objects: Whenever a party is involved in an armed conflict it has a responsibility, as much as possible, to separate military objectives from the civilian population located under its own control. Fenrick, Applying IHL Targeting Rules to Practical Situations: Proportionality and Military Objective, 27 Windsor YB. Warnings: The parties to armed conflict must, as much as possible, give effective warnings before an attack. This is not an easy calculation and the definition leads to more questions than it answers. Rule 15. During hostilities the parties to an armed conflict are obliged to respect the rule on precautions in attack. 1, 2012, p. 73-123. p.73 It prohibits attacks against military objectives which are expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.26Article 51(5)(b), Additional Protocol I Violating the rule of proportionality renders the attack indiscriminate. Implementing International Humanitarian Law and the Responsibility to Protect: The Case of the Tigray Crisis in Ethiopia Introduction International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is a part of global legislations which aims to reduce the severity of military actions on persons or property (Sassli, Bouvier, & Quintin, 2005). These principles are: the sovereign equality of States; the principle of non-intervention in internal affairs; the prohibition of the threat or use of force; peaceful settlement of international disputes; the duty to co-operate; the principle of good faith; self-determination of peoples; respect for . The parties to the conflict must take all feasible precautions to protect the civilian population and civilian objects under their control against the effects of attacks. 167 14 Bromma, Sweden, take precautions during military operations to spare the civilian population and civilian objects (, take precautions to protect the civilian population and civilian objects undertheir own control against the effects of military attacks (. <, Meron, T. (2000). The series help lecturers improve their knowledge of topical issues and provide teaching materials, thereby enabling them . the provision states: "in the absence of special agreements, the costs occasioned by the use of such means of transport shall be borne proportionally by the parties to the conflict whose nationals are benefited thereby."other mathematical calculations involving the application of proportionality also appear in ihl, such as article 60 (3) (b) of Attacks may be made solely against military objectives.14Article 48, Additional Protocol I Military objectives are limited to those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and offer a definite military advantage.15Article 52(2), Additional Protocol I; Scope of Military Objectives and Modern Warfare < > This definition leaves a lot to be desired given its abstract nature and the ICRC has even conceded that it is indeterminate.16Kaye (supra n. 4) It is unclear what an effective contribution to military action involves. >)VU]'{c_>j gjpCdD1:BX!c} 3+uy+=`G"CAV JYbRW_4=FXvtiM Kx4m!qfb'*Z3"lP$6`[8t|e ;=6rqq8"7Wzay{HY,jb8P>r Under IHL, a . For example, the targeting of al-Jalaa Tower in Gaza may not be a legitimate military objective as a media facility. Reports 1996, p. 226, International Court of Justice (ICJ), 8 July 1996, 257, para.79 However, these principles have been criticized as being dense, overly technical, and indeterminate, leading to a complexity which hinders their effective implementation and enhances the danger of non-compliance with IHL in the field.4Kaye, David A., Complexity in the Law of War. %PDF-1.3 the principle merely examines the extent to which he/she 'in the circumstances ' made ' reasonable use of the information available'. IV of 1907. The obligation to take constant care and/or to take precautions to avoid or minimize incidental civilian losses is contained in numerous military manuals. A central notion under international humanitarian law is the principle of precautions in attack: parties to a conflict must take steps to minimise civilian harm. 1, 2012, p. 73-123. p.73, W. Fenrick, Applying IHL Targeting Rules to Practical Situations: Proportionality and Military Objective, 27 Windsor YB. IHL and humanitarian principles. Its aim is to limit the suffering caused by armed conflict, while seeking to protect human life and dignity. Rules\Principle of Precautions in Attack, Information required for deciding upon precautions in attack. the principle of precautions in attack was first set out in article 2 (3) of the 1907 hague convention (ix), which provides that if for military reasons immediate action against naval or military objectives located within an undefended town or port is necessary, and no delay can be allowed the enemy, the commander of a naval force "shall take all Convention [No. 92 as dinstein notes, the damage or loss caused must be 'excessive' rather than 'extensive' to be deemed disproportionate. A lawyers law, as Kayes puts it, is hard to implement by not only armed groups but even advanced armies who then focus on circumventing or moulding them to fit their own ends. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the problem of applying the principles of international humanitarian law (IHL), in particular the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precaution, to armed conflicts in cyberspace, which is the subject of this article. Welcome to the Customary IHL Database, available in: 1. A central notion under international humanitarian law is the principle of precautions in attack: parties to a conflict must take steps to minimise civilian harm. The leadership of the attacked community, on the other hand, needs totake feasible steps to minimise the anticipated harm towardsits own civilian population, most notably by not situating military objects close to civilian objects. 92 as dinstein notes, the damage or loss caused must be 'excessive' rather than 'extensive' to be deemed disproportionate. It is a branch of international law that seeks to limit the effects of armed conflict by protecting persons who are not participating in hostilities and by restricting and regulating the means and methods of warfare available to combatants. 38 it requires the taking of precautions in choosing weapons and tactics to minimise incidental injury and collateral damage and the selecting of military objectives among those giving similar military advantage The "principle of military necessary" permits measures which are actually necessary to accomplish a legitimate military purpose and are not otherwise prohibited by international humanitarian law.65 In case of an armed conflict, the only legitimate military purpose is to weaken the military capacity of the other parties to the conflict. The attacker remains bound in all circumstances, however, to take appropriate precautions in attack (see Rule 15) and must respect the principle of proportionality (see Rule 14) even though the defender violates international humanitarian law. International humanitarian law is the branch of international law that seeks to impose limits on the destruction and suffering caused by armed conflict. Specific examples of how the general obligation to take precautions against the effects of attacks has been implemented include first and foremost the two specific obligations identified in Rules 23 and 24 below. stream It is hoped that further clarity is brought to these principles in order to better ensure and enhance compliance. This is particularly so because ambiguous rules which are difficult to interpret and apply to real-life scenarios are frequently undermined. At the same time, it is important to recognise that conflict zones today, witness an unparalleled intermingling of civilians and armed groups. Principle of Distinction is a fundamental principle of International Humanitarian Law. In clarification, ICRCs commentary on Article 51(5) of 1977 Additional Protocol I states, Of course, the disproportion between losses and damages caused and the military advantages anticipated raises a delicate problem; in some situations there will be no room for doubt, while in other situations there may be reason for hesitation. The International Court of Justice has held in the Nuclear Weapons Advisory Opinion that a great many rules of humanitarian law applicable in armed conflict are so fundamental to the respect of the human person and elementary considerations of humanity, that they are to be observed by all States whether or not they have ratified the conventions that contain them, because they constitute intransgressible principles of international customary law.3Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. What are the three international principles? On contemporary battlefields, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make a clear distinction between those individuals and objects . In 2015, the Group of Governmental Experts noted the established principles of humanity, necessity, proportionality and distinction, which are fundamental IHL principles. Whilst the first function of necessity has been relatively well . 3, no. Armed Conflict, Law of Armed Conflict, LOAC, International Humanitarian Law, IHL, Targeting, Proportionality, Precautions in Attack . Even if it was used as a tool of propaganda by Hamas, it may not be justified to attack a civilian use facility, and such conflicts have to be judged on a case-by-case basis.21Ibid 9 Michael Schmitt suggests the answer depends on the extent to which the attacker used information to confirm the nature of the target and selected weapons and tactic designed to avoid causing harm to civilians and civilian objects, but he also admits that there are cases where it is impossible to verify that individual facilities on an installation are military objectives.22Ibid 9. x[4),2R'NdxV-m,(. Welcome to the Customary IHL Database, available in: 1. In such situations the interests of the civilian population should prevail.35Claude Pilloud, Yves Sandoz, Christophe Swinarski, Bruno Zimmermann, Commentary on the Additional Protocols: of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987, page 626; Proportionality in attacks (under IHL) < > Although the interest of civilians is a subjective question, it is clear that IHL aims to preserve the wellbeing of civilians and non-combatants in armed conflicts. International Humanitarian Law. Humanitarian intervention at its earliest can be traced back to the principles of Natural Justice. the prohibition on targeting the civilian population is 'well-established in customary international law and is based on the principles of distinction, precaution and protection '. Something which may be very difficult to determine and it may further be unclear when it is apparent that a target is not military and the attack should be called off. Practice Volume II, Chapter 6, Section A. Such external links are not investigated, monitored, or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness by us and we do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of this information. The attacker who provides the warning bears the burden of proof that the method used to distribute and disseminate the warnings was indeed effective. The American Journal of International Law, 94(1), 78. page 88 The U.S. Department of the Army has also stated that such broad phrases in international law are in reality a reliance upon moral law and public opinion.13Ibid As a result, such broad principles are difficult to render into hard binding law. 6M/Nr9{:-XU5{}!0o U!-K\@i`F b*0]\],\}P:!ktd;oc{m'Q``WFD0%2J_%uX0*T,(FROF884SyUyH]l"~Wl7*dn+P'N\0Rw|R:)39`(=uUKUa'd~L:R%%cMw*78 CPs;>,~Td\ W#|B(f\6#MPL@:Vs8w.y?Nyh(V&\SJ%l@zr(nNGH6mK"N% #nSxs2HCT"U3(-H}1g@]*#j^&Eo^{YL0oU}7^5rKCfwu2w7EhqjIe;(%j}2 P&DH. Take the necessary precautions to protect civilians before and during attacks. Thisrule supplements the general obligation to distinguish, at all times, between civilians and combatants, and between civilianand military objectives. The practice collected in terms of those specific obligations is also relevant to prove the existence of this rule and. This has implications for the choice of weapons. 3. However, it remains clear how certain commanders are to be that the resultant civilian loss or injury is to be excessive, another problem with the overall subjectivity of the principles formulation, and one that works in the favour of the military to the detriment of civilians.31Ibid Most importantly, it results in proportionality as a principle losing its normative force owing to the lack of operational clarity and its inability to guide decision makers.32Dill, Applying the Principle of Proportionality in Combat Operations, Policy Briefing December 2010, University of Oxford, This calculation is also harder to make for emerging targets as opposed to preselected ones for which there is time to ensure compliance with the principle of proportionality through advance planning and information collection.33Clarke (supra n.25) However, for emerging targets it is difficult to plan in advance at such short notice and therefore, an accelerated analysis on proportionality is required. 271 (2009), Dill, Applying the Principle of Proportionality in Combat Operations, Policy Briefing December 2010, University of Oxford, Claude Pilloud, Yves Sandoz, Christophe Swinarski, Bruno Zimmermann, Commentary on the Additional Protocols: of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987, page 626; Proportionality in attacks (under IHL) <, ICRC, Syria, Report by UN Commission of Inquiry (March 2017) <, Gross, The 2021 Gaza War and the Limits of International Humanitarian Law <, Adil Ahmad Haque, The IDFs Unlawful Attack on Al Jalaa Tower <, Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, International Humanitarian Law in Practice, International Humanitarian Law and Peacekeeping, International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism,,,,,,,, If hospitals are being used for military operations, warring parties must give an effective warning of impending attacks. The principle of distinction has also been found by the ICRC to be reflected in state practice and thus an established norm of customary international law in both international and non-international armed conflicts (ICRC, 2005b, vol. The obligation to take precautions against the effects of attacks to the extent feasible has been interpreted by many States as meaning that the obligation is limited to those precautions which are practicable or practically possible, taking into account all circumstances ruling at the time, including humanitarian and military considerations. Do not attack civilians, civilian property or civilian public buildings. International humanitarian law aims to impose limits on the destruction and distress caused by armed conflict. However, the issue remains that these terms are very vague, not least that of public conscience. 3 for targeting, the primary body of law is found within additional protocol i (api) 4 and in the corpus of customary law maintained by the international committee of It should also, as much as possible, remove civilians and civilian objects from the areasof military objectives. In the Iraq war of 2003, it was noted that where insufficient time was available to carry out precise assessments, the result was often disproportionate bombing.34Ibid. The duty of each party to the conflict to take all feasible precautions to protect the civilian population and civilian objects under its control against the effects of attacks is set forth in Article 58(c) of Additional Protocol I, to which no reservations have been made. Military operations must be cancelled or suspended if it turns out during combat that the target is not a military target or that the expected harm to civilians is excessive in relation to the expected military advantage. Upon ratification of Additional Protocol I, Switzerland stated that the obligation imposed by Article 57(2) on those who plan or decide upon an attack to take the specific precautionary measures set out in the article creates obligations only for commanding officers at the battalion or group level and above. AccessJust. In 1965, the 20th International Conference of the Red Cross adopted a resolution calling on governments and other authorities responsible for action in all armed conflicts to spare the civilian population as much as possible. SIPRI explores themes such as (a) how to conduct legal reviews of new weapons, means and methods of warfare that are based on emerging technologies; (b) how the introduction of new technologies affects the user's ability to comply with cardinal principles of IHL, including the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution; and (c . Theobligation to take precautionary measures to protect civilians is placed on both the attacker and the defender. Proportionality in Armed Conflicts: A Principle in Need of Clarification. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, vol. IHL, the principles of which can be found in all major religions and cultures, sets out only basic protections, but demonstrates some common sense of and respect for humanity even during armed conflict. AccessJust. International humanitarian law (IHL) is the body of international law that sets out the rules of behaviour for those engaged in an armed conflict. 2. II of 1899 and Hague Convention No. On 4 October in Aleppo Governorate, ISIL fighters were targeted killing up to 25 people. The law of armed conflict is essentially a compromise between two fundamental principles, of humanity and of military necessity.1Larissa Fast, Unpacking the principle of humanity: Tensions and implications The principle of military necessity permits force required to achieve the legitimate purpose of a conflict, and the principle of humanity forbids the infliction of all suffering, injury or destruction not necessary for achieving the legitimate purpose of a conflict.2Article 35(2), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 8 June 1977, 1125 UNTS 3 All other rules of international humanitarian law (IHL) are constructed on these principles. 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